Ibu Bersayap Cinta

The owner

Template by Arysha Hafrina .
Basecode by Atin Tory .
Thanks too by L O V E.

Muhammad Ali said...

          Yesterday I watched a link on Muhamad Ali the world famous boxer. The link was on his interview when he was 30 years old. It was a very good one. I like it when a child questioned him about what he would do when he retires from boxing. He gave a very long and lengthy answer. He spoke confidently and had no doubts of what he said. It was a very good one. Here are some of his words for us to ponder. I wrote it in a more extended and concluded form. I like it when he said:
Muhammad Ali ketika di ambang kemasyhurannya...

          "If I live to be 65 or 70, actually I fully live as a free human being is for 16 years only. Life is so  short. In the end we have to do what God wants us to do. Allah wants to see how  I treat other people. I want peace in this world. This will take me to the heaven, a place of eternity. I want to go to heaven."

          "When we grow old, our skin will wrinkle, our teeth and hair will fall, our body will hunch and many other failures will occur. Only one thing that will not change. That is our soul. Our body is just a place for housing the soul.  If our soul is good, it'll stay good till the end. Allah never praise me if I knocked Joe Frazier down. 'HE doesn't care if I'm rich. HE doesn't care if I'm famous. HE only wants to see how far my soul takes me to be good with the poor, help the impoverish, pray and show my gratitude with what I have today. "

          "Nothing in this world belongs to us. My wife and children are not really mine. The woman who used to be my wife is now another man's wife. My children, now called another man 'daddy'.

kata2 Muhammad Ali yg menjadi kontroversi yg memakan dirinya
"I am the greatest"
seketika dia lupa siapa yg the greatest

Muhammad Ali hari ini...uzur dan menghidap Parkinson disease
betul katanya bahawa tubuh kita hanya sarang utk menyimpan jiwa...sampai masanya tubuh akan layu tapi jiwa yg baik akan dinilai di akhirat nanti...

           So, fellow humans, God did not send us to be on this earth just to crowd it. You've got a mission to accomplish. The mission is for your own benefit. Remember, nothing is given free in this world.            

           So,give!...Give and share....InsyaAllah...Allah Loves you....

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